
City Of Hot Springs News HS/GC COVID Task Force: Covid Upward Trend Slows

Government and Politics

July 21, 2022

From: City Of Hot Springs

For the first time in the past six weeks, Garland County’s new positive Covid cases and active cases for the week of July 10 – 17 are less than they were in the corresponding weeks of 2021, according to County Health Officer Dr. Gene Shelby.

“We are finally seeing some good news in our metrics this week. I am heartened by these numbers and hope and pray they will continue, but we have been fooled by Covid-19 before,” said Shelby.

There were 185 new cases reported last week, compared to the previous weeks’ 213 and 137. The number of active cases was 337 as of Monday morning, an increase of 12 from the same time last week. Previous weeks had active case counts of 325 and 264.

Representatives from CHI St. Vincent and National Park Medical Center reported having a total of 18 Covid-19 patients, up one from last week, with three in intensive care and one requiring ventilation. 

There were no additional Covid-related deaths reported, so the cumulative total remained at 516.

The Hot Springs/Garland County Covid-19 Task Force is only meeting as needed during the summer months, but Shelby provides his weekly Covid-19 update electronically to the group.

For continued COVID-19 updates...