
City Of San Luis : Hall Illuminated Gold for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

Government and Politics

September 22, 2022

From: City Of San Luis

San Luis, Arizona –To recognize the determination and bravery of children who battle cancer and bring awareness, the City of San Luis’ City Hall has been illuminated gold through September to support children and their families facing this disease. 

According to the American Childhood Cancer Organization, 1 in 285 children in the United States are diagnosed with cancer before their 20th birthday. Globally, there are more than 300,000 children diagnosed each year. Childhood Cancer Awareness Month emphasizes the importance of life-saving research. 

The City of San Luis and its employees recognize the importance of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and its impact on the families and the community. We encourage everyone to educate themselves on childhood cancer and do their part to help a loved one, a friend, or a neighbor who might be facing childhood cancer.

“It is up to everyone to help raise awareness and show support to our local families fighting Childhood Cancer. This disease remains the leading cause of death for children in United States” stated Mayor Gerardo Sanchez. “This is why I proclaimed the month of September as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month to raise awareness,” he concluded.