
Fall Fest - Cow Pie Bingo and Nelson’s Port-a-Pit 2023

Arts and Entertainment

October 27, 2023

From: Fall Fest - Cow Pie Bingo and Nelson’s Port-a-Pit

BHS Post Prom presents this unique fundraiser! Lots of food and fun games at the field while we wait for the poop to drop!

Cow Pie raffle is $20 per square. Buy a Square and wait for the drop! Chance to win $1000 top cash prize or additional prices at the event.
Nelson’s Port-a-Pit chicken and potato dinners are available for $15 per meal in advance.

We would love to see you at this fun event for a great cause! We are raising money for a safe after prom experience for our students. Leave a comment if you would like to purchase tickets.

This event will take place at Bridgman High School. There will be 300 squares painted on the field, and the cow will walk Alive until he does his business. If it lands on your square, you will win $1000!

Date: November 5, 2023

Time: 3:00pm to 6:00pm


Bridgman High School -

9964 Gast Rd

Bridgman, MI 49106

Click here for more Information