
Final Call for Panelists: Arts in Education Grant & Teaching ArtistRoster

Arts and Entertainment

June 14, 2023

From: Maryland State Arts Council

Final Call for Panelists!

Arts in Education Grant & Teaching Artist Roster

Deadline to apply is June 15

Only a short time remains to apply for panelist service supporting two Arts in Education programs at the Maryland State Arts Council (MSAC): the Arts in Education Grant and the Teaching Artist Roster. MSAC relies on a diverse array of constituents with varied backgrounds from across the state of Maryland to do the important work of evaluating applications as panelists. MSAC selects its panelists with a focus on diversity of experiences, diversity of location, and expertise in varying artistic disciplines.

Arts in Education Grant Panelists

Arts in Education Grant panelists have the unique opportunity to impact arts education programming across Maryland by reviewing and scoring grant applications. Applications include proposals from teaching artists to lead arts education programming for schools, nonprofit organizations, and government entities.

Arts in Education Grant panelists serve an annual term and review applications every month between August and March.

What to Expect as a Panelist:

Application reviews are completed on a panelist’s own time online during the middle of each month, beginning in August 2023 and ending in March 2024, with no reviews during the month of December.
Panelists typically review 30-40 applications per month; this requires approximately 10-12 hours to complete over a 2-week period, with application totals varying.
A total of 5 panelists are needed to serve for monthly reviews during FY24.
A required, virtual panelist orientation will take place on Tuesday, July 25, from 12-2 p.m.
Panelists receive compensation of $50 for the training, along with a sliding scale for monthly reviews, depending on the number of applications reviewed (25 or fewer, $200; 26-35, $300; 36-45, $375; 46 or more, $450).

Who We’re Looking For:

Independent artists, arts administrators, teachers, arts educators, teaching artists, arts education enthusiasts, and students interested in serving Maryland's art education sector while gaining experience and insight in the grant review process.
Arts in Education Teaching Artist Roster Panelists

Teaching Artist Roster panelists review and evaluate applications for artists who wish to join the MSAC Teaching Artist Roster, which recognizes that teaching artists are integral to the arts education ecosystem and provide supplementary arts education experiences that deepen learning. Inclusion on the roster allows teaching artists to apply for Arts in Education grants, described above.

Teaching Artist Roster panelists serve an annual term and review applications twice a year: once between September and October, and again between April and May.

What to Expect as a Panelist:

Application reviews are completed on a panelist’s own time online during the months listed above.
Panelists typically review 15-20 applications per review period; this requires approximately 15 hours to complete over a one-month period, with application totals varying.
Attend two virtual panel meetings in October and May to collaboratively evaluate applications with other panelists.
A total of 5 panelists are needed to serve for one year, beginning in September 2023 and ending May 2024.
A required panelist orientation will take place online on Tuesday, August 1, from 12-2 p.m.
Panelists receive compensation of $50 for the training, $125 for each of the two panel meetings, and payment on a sliding scale for monthly reviews, depending on the number of applications reviewed (10 or fewer, $200; 11-20, $375; 21-30, $550; 31-45, $750; 45 or more, $900).

Who We’re Looking For:

Independent artists and educators (especially those with experience working with teaching artists or as a teaching artist), arts administrators, arts education enthusiasts, and students interested in serving Maryland's art education sector while gaining experience and insight in the grant review process.
How to Apply

Submit your application via MSAC’s online grants management system, SmartSimple.

(You must be registered as an Independent Artist to apply.)

Click the

Apply Now!" button below to log in or create a free account in SmartSimple.
Under Funding Opportunities, select "Public Call."
Select "Panelist" from the drop-down options and click "Save Draft" to populate the application.
Select “Arts in Education Grant” or “Arts in Education Teaching Artist Roster” as the Program.

Apply Now!