
RPNM Statement on Gov. Lujan Grisham's Leaked Border Conversation

Government and Politics

April 29, 2024

ALBUQUERQUE - On Friday, a leaked audio recording of New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham was uncovered. In it, she can be heard scolding the DHS Chief of Staff over how New Mexico’s out-of-control border is going to make her look bad, raising even more concerns about the Governor’s approach to the ongoing crisis.

For years, New Mexico’s Democratic leaders have diminished the magnitude of the border crisis and its egregious effects on not just our border communities but our entire state. Additionally, last week, another video surfaced of N.M. Democratic Senator Martin Heinrich refusing to condemn Biden’s open border policies.

The Republican Party of New Mexico is dedicated to holding those accountable who refuse to act on this border crisis. We support Republican candidate for Senate, Nella Domenici, who has promised to take immediate action to solve this border crisis.

“It is evident from this leaked recording that Democrats like Michelle Lujan Grisham and Sen. Martin Heinrich are fully aware of the crisis at hand. However, they lack the courage it takes to address it head-on and are playing politics with the safety of our state instead. New Mexicans deserve leadership with a firm backbone, who are unapologetic in their stance to fix the crisis at our southern border,” said RPNM Chairman Steve Pearce.

Nella Domenici, native New Mexican, and Republican Senate candidate, released the following statement on the leaked recording on Friday, “New Mexican families have been crying out for a solution to our border crisis for years and those cries have gone unanswered. Now we know why extremists like Michelle Lujan Grisham and Martin Heinrich have ignored the problem in public at the direction of radical leftist Party Leaders in Washington, D.C.

Cartels are waging full-warfare turf battles in our backyards, but Martin Heinrich is still refusing to confront the #1 threat to our home and hold the Biden administration accountable for it because he is afraid to stand up for what’s right.

We are running out of time waiting on radical Democrats like Lujan Grisham and Heinrich to muster up the courage to act. When I am elected, securing New Mexico’s border will be a top priority. New Mexico demands it. I will demand it. We cannot afford to wait.”