
Utah Democratic Party to Open Filing and Hold Special CD-2 Central Convention

Government and Politics

May 2, 2024

Democratic State Central Committee members in CD-2 will gather virtually to nominate a candidate for the upcoming special election

WHAT: The Utah Democratic Party has received notice from the Lieutenant Governor's office that the Democratic nominee in the 2nd Congressional District (CD-2) has withdrawn from the race. According to State Law, the Utah Democratic Party State Central Committee has the responsibility of filling this vacancy and deciding who will appear as the Democratic Nominee. 

The filing period will be open for two weeks, beginning, May 2nd, and concluding on May 15th at 5:00 p.m. When the list of candidates becomes available, names of the potential nominees will be published on the UDP website.

The Utah Democratic Party’s State Central Committee members will convene on May 25th at 10 AM to meet, hear from candidates, and ultimately elect a replacement nominee for CD-2. The rules for the nomination process will be provided to all members of the State Central Committee, candidates, and posted on the UDP website

WHO: Democratic State Central Committee Members in CD-2

WHEN: Saturday, May 25th at 10:00 am

WHERE: Virtually

“We are very excited for the opportunity to elect a strong Democratic nominee in CD-2 and look forward to working with whoever the State Central Committee chooses to fill the vacancy,” Executive Director Thom DeSirant.

For more information, contact Thom DeSirant at thom@utdem.org or +1 240-285-1682.

The Utah Democratic Party is the face and voice of Democrats in the State of Utah. We believe that Utahns deserve strong, competent leadership that puts the people and democracy first.