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Morning Star Church

607 East Fair Street

Mission Statement
Helping people connect with God, connect with others, and grow in Christ.

God is the One to whom all things point. He is our target! Everything is directed toward Him. The closer we get to Him, the more we value people. We know He values people because of the price He paid for them!
People are at the top of our priority list. We're all about people! When someone walks through our church door, we get excited and welcome that person with the love and kindness of God. There is a strong temptation in every church to become cliquish. This is a scheme of the enemy. God's desire is that "no one would perish, but that all would come to repentance" (2 Peter 3:9). The closer we get to God, the more people are on our hearts.
Help refers to our desire to serve. Serving others is a blast! Serving is a magnet that draws people to Christ. We are born focused on ourselves; but as we get closer to God, we become more focused on serving and ministering to others.

Connect refers to life giving relationships. Jesus said, "I am the true vine, you are the branches" (Jn.15). We believe in passionate worship where we connect with an experience God. We believe that God has given His word as our daily bread, and that our intimacy and connection is deepened and strengthened through learning and receiving the Word. We believe God created us all with a built need for community, and that need is best expressed within the context of small groups. We believe life is better together. "God sets the colitary in families..."(Ps.68:6).
Grow refers to the fact that we believe discipleship is a process. Our focus is in progress, not perfection; grace and not law. If we truly want to mature and grow as disciples of Christ, we need to faithfully attend services, Life Groups, and growth track / equipping classes.
Christ refers to the most important relationship of every believer. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes tto the Father except through Me."(Jn14:6) We believe that He is not only the door, but He is the journey and the life unto eternity. We believe that God sent His Son so that we could be forgiven and have a relationship with him. This should never be religious or lifeless, but an ongoiing, living and vital relationship that is lived out privately and publicly. Our relationship with Christ should attract others to Him!