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Morning-Cafe (socials for age 50+)



Cordial coffee---always popular and a great way to start the weekend... .

Morning-Café is a free social group for age 50+. We typically meet once-a-month on Saturday mid-morning at a local café, or similar venue--for coffee and music, a presentation, art tour, conversation, etc.

The aim of the group is to offer a welcoming environment to socialize with others of a similar age...and perhaps enjoy a cup of coffee. We currently have over 100 members, men and women. There is no membership fee, each person pays for refreshments of his/her choice, and thus far we've managed to have great, free events. Members are encouraged to volunteer to plan, organize, and host a Morning-Café get together but it is not required.

Morning-Café...combines three great things about summer-- nice weather, socializing, and cultural events... . Welcome!

Two upcoming events (free): (June and July)

When What Where

Saturday morning, June 23, 2012 First Weekend of Summer

Cordial Coffee &

Army Brass Quintet

in the Park


Details and RSVP:

Saturday morning, June 14, 2012

Cordial Coffee with an Award Winning Author

Details and RSVP:

(Intended primarily for people who are age 50 or older, interested parties who have not yet reached that magic age may attend.)