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Paoli United Methodist Church

81 Devon Road

Vision Statement:

            Our vision is to be a group of believers sharing a confident Faith Journey. We are not alone; Jesus Christ, God's Son, is with us. His perfect life and teachings, death on a cross and resurrection, offer to all people peace with God and the way of a vital life now and forever.
            We hold close to our heart the challenge and commitment to guide people on paths that lead them to know Jesus Christ personally, while encouraging, strengthening, and nurturing them along the way. In knowing Him, we reach out to each other and those in need spiritually and physically, locally and throughout the world.

Mission Statement:

            We are the The United Methodist Church of Paoli. Our mission is to build Faith and then to act on that Faith by prayerfully asking "What would Jesus do?" and answering "Then I must do!"


Our Purpose is to

  • Build Faith by prayer, preaching, music, worship, personal stories, and Christian education, thus enabling people in their learning to apply Jesus' teachings as found in the Bible to their daily lives.
  • Lead people to Faith in Christ by pastoral and congregational care and involvement and to nurture, encourage, and prepare new members to take an active and vital role in the life of the church.
  • Reach Out in Faith by seeking to develop programs serving the wide spectrum of needs and interests of our community and members, even as Jesus, in His perfect love, cared for and met the many needs of those who surrounded Him.
  • Respond through Faith by opening our eyes, our hearts, and our lives to the needs of others throughout the world by supporting mission work with our actions and dollars.
  • Share our Faith, by God's grace, through the power of the Holy Spirit with everyone we encounter, recognizing God loves and works through people of all ages, races, physical capabilities, and stations in life in unique and wonderful ways to further Christ's Kingdom.

Founded in 1911, The United Methodist Church of Paoli seeks to bring people to know and honor God through Jesus Christ, and to encourage, strengthen, and nurture all believers. In knowing Him, we reach out in ministry to each other, to the community, and to the world.
