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South Congregational Church

27 Pleasant Street

What We Believe:
Whoever you are, whatever household of faith into which you were born, whatever creed you profess, whatever your race or sexual orientation, you are welcome if you come looking for the presence of God or to rededicate yourself to God's purpose. Please do not leave this place without a prayer for yourself, your friends and family, and for all those who worship here.

From Yesterday to Tomorrow:

The South Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, in Concord, was gathered in 1835, with its first building at the southwest corner of Pleasant and Main Streets. After a tragic fire in 1859, our present church edifice was completed in 1861; the parish house was added in 1896.

In 1961, the members of the congregation voted to become part of the United Church of Christ (UCC). This new denomination was formed by the merger of the Congregational and Christian Churches, and Evangelical and Reformed Churches. This was the first modern union of major Protestant denominations in the U.S. and yielded a fellowship of nearly 6,000 local congregations counting 1.9 million members.

The United Church of Christ retains the democratic styles and traditions familiar in our Congregational heritage. Our denomination is also widely recognized for its belief in the equal rights of all peoples, for its active witness in the cause of liberty and justice.

The men and women who founded South Church over 150 years ago wanted their fellowship to be active and influential in the lives of Capital area people. That dream is very real today as we recognize that South Church members come from nearly every walk of life. Also, present members have come from a broad variety of religious backgrounds including Roman Catholic and many major Protestant denominations.

Our Common Beliefs:
Jesus Christ is the sole head of the Church, and each man, woman and child is called to respond to Christ through life within the Church. We recognize that we are sinners who are forgiven by God, and that our lives are fuller when they are inspired by the Holy Spirit. We believe God calls us to compassion, forgiveness, enthusiasm and fellowship as signs of Christian living.

Because we recognize the many historic creeds of the Church, our fellowship comfortably combines many different points of view as to the ways in which we practice our faith.

Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of every month, as well as on Maundy Thursday. It is open to all who seek to follow Christ in their lives, including children and youth.

Baptism is administered as part of morning worship. We encourage baptism of infants, and recognize that this represents a serious commitment by the parents to be active and caring members in the church.

New Members are received into fellowship on communion Sundays, generally in the fall and spring. Prior to joining, new members are encouraged to take part in an orientation.
Covenant of Our Faith
Called by the Love of Christ, we unite our hearts to become his church in this place. We seek to follow the way of Jesus, known and to be more fully known to us. We accept the grace of God freely extended and seek to live each new day in that faith. We believe Christ calls the church to proclaim the gospel with compassion and confidence; worshiping the One who loves it into being and working for the progress of knowledge, the promotion of justice, the reign of peace, and the affirmation of all Gods creation. Depending as did our mothers and fathers upon the continuing guidance of the Holy Spirit and the insight of Holy Scripture, we covenant with each other to build a community of faith. Therefore, we pledge ourselves to each other and promise our

     attendance when the congregation gathers for worship;
     commitment to a life of prayer and spiritual growth;
     continuing study and sharing of the content of the Christian faith;
     involvement in this congregations ministries of service; and
     devotion of personal time and treasure for the cause.

As stewards of Gods gifts to us, we shall work and pray for the transformation or our separate lives into a commonwealth of hope: a sign of God's eternal presence. Amen. 
